The Ins And Outs Of Pantser Writing

Have you ever heard the term pantser in writing and wondered what it means? Or perhaps you are a writer yourself and have been described as a pantser but are unsure of how to define it? Dont worry, youre not alone. The world of writing is full of its own lingo and terminology, and understanding each one can be a daunting task. In this article, we will explore the concept of pantser writing, its role in the writing process, and how it differs from other writing styles. So, whether youre a seasoned writer or just starting out, read on to discover the meaning behind being a pantser in the world of writing.

A pantser in writing refers to someone who approaches their writing process with little to no planning beforehand. They are also known as "discovery writers" or "seat-of-the-pants" writers. This term is often used in contrast to plotters, who meticulously plan out their stories before writing.

The idea of being a pantser is to write spontaneously, without any preconceived notions or outlines. This style of writing allows for a sense of freedom and creativity, as the writer lets their ideas flow and develop organically on the page. In contrast, plotters prefer to have a detailed roadmap and follow a structured plan while writing.

Defining the Term Pantser in Writing

The term "pantser" originated from the phrase "flying by the seat of ones pants," which refers to someone making quick decisions without a plan. In the writing world, a pantser does the same with their storytelling. They trust their instincts and let the story unfold naturally, rather than adhering to a predetermined plot.

A pantsers approach to writing requires a certain level of spontaneity and flexibility. They go into their writing with an open mind and a willingness to explore different avenues to see where the story takes them. This style of writing can be exhilarating, but it may also come with its own set of challenges.

In essence, a pantser in writing is someone who embraces uncertainty and is willing to take a leap of faith with their writing. They may have a general idea of where they want the story to go, but they trust their creative instincts to fill in the gaps and make necessary changes along the way.

The Role of a Pantser in Writing

Being a pantser in writing is not just about being spontaneous; it also involves having a deep understanding of characters and their motivations. Since the story is not outlined beforehand, a pantser must have a strong sense of their characters to guide the narrative organically.

Moreover, a pantser must also be comfortable with the idea of not knowing where the story is heading. This requires a certain level of trust in ones writing abilities and a willingness to take risks. The story may take unexpected turns, but a pantser embraces these fluctuations and uses them to propel the story forward.

A pantsers role is to capture the essence of the story as it unfolds, rather than trying to fit it into a predetermined structure. This approach can sometimes result in a more fluid and dynamic story, as the characters have room to evolve and surprise the writer.

The Pantser Style of Writing

The pantser style of writing may seem chaotic or unstructured to some, but for others, it is a refreshing and liberating way to create stories. It allows for a sense of discovery and keeps the writer engaged in the process. While some writers may find it daunting to start writing without a plan, for pantser writers, it is an exciting challenge to see where their story will take them.

Pantser writers often rely heavily on their creativity and intuition, trusting that their instincts will guide them towards a compelling story. This style of writing can be thrilling for both the writer and the reader, as the story unfolds in surprising and unexpected ways.

Another aspect of the pantser style of writing is the element of surprise. Since the writer does not have a predetermined plot, even they dont always know what will happen next. This sense of unpredictability can be exciting and keep the writer engaged in the writing process.

The Unplanned Writing Technique

The pantser style of writing can also be referred to as the unplanned writing technique. This term emphasizes the idea that there is no specific plan or outline in place before writing. Instead, the writer lets their imagination and creative instincts guide the story.

This technique is not just about writing on the fly; it also involves a lot of editing and revisions. Since the story is not planned out in advance, a pantser may have to go back and make necessary changes to ensure coherence and smoothness in the story. This iterative process allows for a more refined and dynamic piece of writing.

The Spontaneous Writers Approach

Another interesting way to look at being a pantser in writing is from the perspective of being a spontaneous writer. A pantser does not have a specific structure or outline to follow, which allows them to be spontaneous in their storytelling. They can take the story in whatever direction they choose, without being limited by a predetermined plot.

The spontaneous writers approach also allows for a sense of playfulness and experimentation in the writing process. As the story unfolds, the writer can try out different ideas and see what works best without feeling confined to a specific structure or plan.

Flying by the Seat of Ones Pants in Writing

The phrase "flying by the seat of ones pants" was originally used to describe someones ability to fly an airplane without relying on instruments. In writing, it has come to represent a writers ability to create a story without relying on a detailed outline or plan.

For a pantser, this phrase captures the essence of their approach to writing. They embrace the uncertainty and trust their creative instincts to guide the story forward. It is both a challenging and exhilarating way to write, often resulting in unexpected and exciting stories.

Pantsing vs Plotting in Writing

The debate between pantsing and plotting in writing is an ongoing one, with passionate arguments on both sides. Some writers firmly believe in the power of plotting and detailed outlines, while others swear by the spontaneous and intuitive approach of pantsing.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what works best for each individual writer. Some writers may even use a combination of both techniques, starting with a rough outline and leaving room for spontaneity and changes along the way.

Regardless of which side of the debate one falls on, there is no denying the contribution of pantsers in the world of literature. Many popular and critically acclaimed books have been written using the pantser approach, proving that there is no one right way to write.

In conclusion, being a pantser in writing involves embracing uncertainty, trusting ones instincts, and allowing the story to unfold organically. Whether one is a pantser or a plotter, the most crucial factor in writing is the passion and dedication to telling a compelling story.

Link: What is a Pantser in Writing?

In conclusion, being a pantser in writing means embracing an unplanned and spontaneous approach to storytelling. This style of writing, also known as "flying by the seat of ones pants," allows for creativity and unexpected plot twists to emerge. While some may prefer to meticulously plot out their writing, pantsers rely on their intuition and imagination to guide them. The role of a pantser in writing is crucial, as they can bring a fresh and unique perspective to the storytelling process. Whether it is through pantsing or plotting, the most important thing is to find the writing technique that works best for you. As with any creative pursuit, there is no right or wrong way, only what feels most authentic and natural. So embrace your inner pantser or plotter, and let your imagination run wild on the pages!


  • isabelhart

    Amy Fox is a 28 year old school blogger, who has been writing for over 10 years. She has been a student at the University of Utah for three years and is now a graduate student.