50 Descriptive Essay Topics

It is essential that you have a topic before you begin writing descriptive essays. Because the body of your essay is about recalling a specific event, choosing a topic is an essential step. However, it is often difficult to find the right vocabulary to describe events without plagiarising or exaggerating.

How to Pick the Best Descriptive Topic for an Essay: Use the Criteria of Topic Finding

You should ask yourself why you are writing this essay. This is the basic criteria that will help you choose a topic. These are some tips and steps to help you select the best topic.

– Identify why you are writing this essay. It must resolve, a occurrence, or a memory that you are able to recall with acuity.
– You can classify people, events, or experiences within different categories.
– Use a rough draft to connect ideas. To avoid ideas conflicts, the connections should be logical.
Write concise, direct topics for each category. Then choose the ones that you are most comfortable with.

After you’ve read the criteria, choose a topic you are most comfortable discussing. To captivate readers, make your writing unique and engaging.

Sample Areas for Exploration: A Selection of Topics for Descriptive Essays

Students can write descriptive essays easily once they have overcome the difficulties of choosing a topic. Below are some examples of topics that you might consider.

Topics to Do and Things

– My First Overseas Trip
– My favorite TV Show
– My first experience with Facebook
– My favourite music genre
– My family’s favorite vacation
– My first memory from childhood
– The concert you will never forget
– Deeply felt joy and tears

Geographical Topics

– Favorite mountain hiking experience
– Most memorable tour location
– My ideal camping vacation
– The Best Town Visit in My Childhood
My top field trip experience
– My latest museum visit experience
– Best outdoor walk experience
– The Favorite Fishing Trip

Families and people related topics

– My highschool mentor
– Most ingenious member the family
– My Die hard friend
– My imaginative friend whom I have never met
– The oldest man I know
– High school friend that I most miss
– The person who makes my laugh the loudest
– My favourite science teacher
– My favourite young family photo
– The strangest person living in the village

Topics to Recollect

– My oldest childhood Halloween memory
– Best summer vacation ever
– The best concert I have ever been to
Family trip that was the most memorable in childhood
Christmas: My family and I share special moments together
– The best memory of my childhood was the one that I had with my family.
– My childhood friend is meeting me for the first time
Unexpected football result
The most embarrassing childhood moments
High school’s most embarrassing day
– My first encounters with a celeb

Extraordinary Events and Related Topics

– A visit at the Antechamber
– The nightmarish experience of being in a graveyard
– This was my worst experience at a station toilet
– A meeting with an alien
– My secret tattoo
– A walk on a moon
– The subway’s most bizarre, frightening, and humorous ride
– Lost in darkness
– Alone amid unfamiliar strangers
– Your first year at college
– A encounter with an internet criminal
– Space visitor unexpected
– Attacked at night by strangers

Topics for Descriptive Essays for College Students

Describe what you experienced at your first amusement-park.
Write a story describing your favorite nature experience.
– Tell us about your childhood idol.
Discuss your family dynamics. Who would you like to be your role model?
Discuss your most terrifying experience.
What was your college experience like?
– What was your most memorable food experience?
Talk about your favorite hobby.
– Which tattoo would you like to have?
Describe your favourite toy from childhood.

The student can now begin writing after identifying the topic. It is best to pick a topic that you are familiar with to aid in the idea formulation process and improve your flow.

Examples of descriptive essay topics for high school students

– A history of financial relations between countries and people.
How has war format changed over the centuries?
What is the UK’s drug rehab scene like?
– How 21st-century seed prices are changing
– Combating discrimination throughout the world.
– How has the media space changed in the time of the quarantine.
– Types modern social diseases
– Types and severity of eating disorders What is the prevalence of eating disorders among teens?
– Virtual reality development.
– Artificial intelligence development

Descriptive essay questions: Examples for class assignments

– What can five strangers discuss?
How do you perceive each other?
– Which toy was your favourite in your childhood? What made it your favorite toy? How did you feel when you held it and played with it?
– Give a detailed description of the street. What type of transport are you using? What are the audible sounds you can hear? What unusual smells can you detect?
Describe the tattoo. What is your tattoo’s texture? What color concept was used for this part of the body and why?
– What sounds were you able to hear during your visit at the church? How did you feel that day?
– If you imagine a bakery visiting, what smells might be in the air? What sounds did you hear?
– What were your impressions of the museum’s latest visit? What was the overall experience like?
How was it like to ride your first rollercoaster?
– Now, imagine your first painting. What was its texture? What was the significance and purpose of color coding and objects?
What was your most embarrassing moment as a college freshman?

Short, simple, but reflective essay ideas

It is essential to be creative as a student. These are some ideas for essays:

Write a descriptive essay about a Sahara desert expedition.
– Going on a solo walk through the ancient Egyptian tombs
– Delivering an Environmental Preservation Speech in Front of a United Nations Delegation
– I found out that my true friend was actually a spy for the government on the day that I met him.
– One day at the Louvre Museum

Participating at real-life events improves reasoning abilities and creativity. The exposure gives the learner new ideas to write academic assignments.

A descriptive essay’s foundational rule is that it should make your readers feel, hear or smell the things you describe. It can be difficult to convey something vividly while remaining creative. You can expand your perspective to describe extraordinary events and occurrences, which is something that students often overlook.


  • isabelhart

    Amy Fox is a 28 year old school blogger, who has been writing for over 10 years. She has been a student at the University of Utah for three years and is now a graduate student.