30 Great Descriptive Essay Topics

Here are a few words about descriptive writing essays

Your high school students will likely groan and moan when you announce that they are going to assign an essay for homework. Teenagers don’t want endless hours spent researching and writing papers.

They may be less upset if you tell them that the next task they have to write is a descriptive essay.

A descriptive essay is writing that describes a person’s life, feelings, emotions, conflicts, situations, hobbies, or experiences.

Writing for high school students is particularly popular because it allows them to express themselves in a way that is more freeing and flexible than traditional writing.

30 Ideas for Topics in Descriptive Essays

Encourage your writers and encourage them to choose their favorite topic.

Topics for descriptive writing about places and experiences

Write an essay about the home you love and why it is so special.
Describe your middle or elementary school.
Write about the place you love to be. What makes you want to go there? How do the other people feel?
Describe a life-changing experience.
– Describe a favorite vacation destination. You can also write about your home town if that is what you prefer.
Describe your favorite outdoor attraction. Is this an area you frequent? Why or not?
– What are your favorite places to learn? This is your special place.
– Tell us about a time you experienced pure happiness.
– Write about a transformative experience during your childhood. What did this experience have on your life?
Describe where you’d like to live in future.

A list of topics about people and emotions that can be used for descriptive writing

Write an essay about your family.
Describe your best friend.
Write about the time in your life that you went from being a child to a young adult. What was your experience? What was your experience?
– Tell us about your pet and how it makes you feel.
– Please describe your role model. Why do these people inspire you?
Write about the historical figure that has had the greatest influence on your life.
Write a descriptive essay about an experience you had with a stranger.
– Write a descriptive essay about yourself.
Describe your most influential teacher.
Write an essay about your first day at school.

Topics for descriptive essays about objects and memories that are good

Write an essay on your favorite childhood toy.
– Name an object of sentimental value.
Write an essay about a childhood memory. What makes this memory stand out?
Describe furniture in your home. Why did it make sense to you?
Describe the technology you couldn’t live without.
Describe the object you want to buy. What can you do to achieve your goals
– Name an object you have kept in your family’s house. What are your memories tied to this object’s existence?
Write about an object that reminds you of your best friend.
Describe your favorite book.
Write about what you find in your wallet or purse.

I hope that you found this list of writing tips useful and inspiring. These ideas can be used with high school students or any other age group as you wish. These topics might be of interest to younger children:

– favorite movie or concert
– A celebrity or family member
– most memorable birthday
The ultimate vacation is the summer’s best!
A dream home or the ideal bedroom?
Favorite classroom
– favorite song

This type of essay: Tips

When writing descriptive essays, you must follow certain formatting guidelines.

These tips will assist your students in writing the most descriptive essays possible.

Tip 1 Encourage your students brainstorm ideas and topics that are important to them. Writing will flow naturally when they can relate to the subject matter.

Tip 2: Tell students to choose a topic and organize their thoughts before they begin writing. Multiple drafts are possible before you create the final essay. This will allow them to refine their writing and build their ideas.

Tip 3 Remind students that bold, vivid language should be used with many sensory details. But that sentences should not be too long and should be concise.
One powerful adjective is superior to several flowery words.

To get students to agree with the assignment, and help them write a piece that is relatable to others, you can give them a selection of descriptive essay topics.

Last words of inspiration

High school students are beginning to prepare for their next step in education. Many want to apply to college and need to improve their writing skills.

They must also build on their foundation to thrive in university environments, where writing is a key part of almost all their courses.

These topics are great for students who want to write descriptive essays. They will be motivated to write more if they have the right ideas and topics.


  • isabelhart

    Amy Fox is a 28 year old school blogger, who has been writing for over 10 years. She has been a student at the University of Utah for three years and is now a graduate student.